Speech Pathology Services and Educational Consultation

 Benefits of Speech Language Pathology Services

Skilled Speech Language Pathology services can help your child with oral motor or articulation delays, voice and resonance disorders, language delays in morphology, phonology syntax, semantics, or  pragmatics,  auditory processing, working memory and executive function skills. These skills are essential components of learning and delays can have a negative adverse impact on your child’s academic success.


Special Education Advocacy  A growing number of children are in need of Individualized Education Plans (IEP's) to increase success in the classroom. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is the lead agency responsible for implementing services under Part C and B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Part C offers services through First Steps program for children ages birth to three years.  The Part B program includes special education services through your local public school for children ages 3-21. Under IDEA, each child with or without disabilities is entitled to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) and should be placed in the least restrictive environment (LRE) to meet his or her educational needs. Under these laws, parents have legal rights and responsibilities. Special Education Advocates can act as a neutral voice to help parents learn about the laws, rights, and responsibilities throughout the special education process.  They can help parents understand and make effective choices for their child's educational program as well as serve as a check and balance system for schools to follow legal requirements. A Special Education Advocate is  an instrumental team member that can mediate for successful IEP planning. 

Consult a Speech Language Pathologist if your child has difficulty in any of the following areas:

  • sound errors, immature sounding speech, or if speech is  difficult to understand 
  • voice is hoarse, raspy, whispery, too high or low, strained or nasal resonance
  • unable to communicate verbally, uses an augmentative communication device
  • difficulty with word endings, tense markers, plurals, other grammatical or morphological concepts
  • difficulty understanding or using basic concepts of time, space, location
  • maintaining eye contact, using language appropriately, social difficulties, communicating wants or needs appropriately, exchanging ideas, developing conversational skills
  • understanding spoken language, following directions
  • attending to tasks, holding or retaining information
  • difficulty with phonological processes, phonemic awareness, spelling, and reading comprehension skills
  • math vocabulary or computation difficulties 
  • written expression of ideas or concepts
  • difficulty recalling information in sequences or sequencing events
  • difficulty interpreting meaning of abstract information or making inferences from written or verbal communication.
  • difficulty keeping up with class discussions or note taking
  • planning, organizing, or executing projects